My Personal Standards Of Behaviour

My Personal Standards of Behaviour are what I choose as acceptable to my Self, in my relationship to other people:

  1. I care about the wellbeing of others
  2. I encourage others
  3. I forgive others
  4. I accept others feedback as their perspective
  5. I see others in a positive light
  6. I am light-hearted with others
  7. I praise others
  8. I support others emotionally
  9. I value others
  10. I expand others’ esteem
  11. I nurture the development of others
  12. I have compassion with others
  13. I have empathy with others
  14. I treat others as my equal
  15. I confide in others
  16. I am friendly to others
  17. I enquire of others
  18. I allow others their own beliefs
  19. I admire others
  20. I see opportunities for others
  21. I treat others beneficially
  22. I clarify my standards to others
  23. I allow others to follow their own path
  24. I never think or speak ill of others
  25. I inspire others
  26. I guide others on their path
  27. I honour the presence of others
  28. I love others unconditionally
  29. I accept others unconditionally
  30. I see others as authentic
  31. I treat others with integrity
  32. I hold others in high esteem
  33. I am at peace with others
  34. I am detached from other people’s dramas
  35. I am sensitive to others’ emotional state of being
  36. I rate others positively
  37. I express positive emotions with others
  38. I am honest with others
  39. I am credible to others
  40. I am alert to others
  41. I am aware of others
  42. I have no agenda for others
  43. I trust others to do what they believe is best for them
  44. I listen & hear other people
  45. I approve of other people
  46. I share expansively with others
  47. I allow others to be right
  48. I guide & support others
  49. I advise others to see their own choices
  50. I allow others to learn their own lessons
  51. I allow the Law of Attraction to fulfil its purpose
  52. I behave to a standard that I find acceptable for all other people to behave in relationship to me

In alignment with the Golden Rule, the Law of Attraction matches me to people with similar personal standards of behaviour. Like energy unto itself is drawn. Other people who resonate with like standards of behaviour, never cross my boundaries and make me cross. They effortlessly & beneficially share their comfort zone with mine, in a mutually safe environment. I never need to enforce my boundaries, I only ever need to clarify them to myself.