One Plus One Equals Three

Mathematics tells us that One Plus One Equals Two.

In a dual reality world there is always a choice between this one & that one.

When I have this one & that one I have two.

In a triune reality world, there is always a choice between this one, that one & another one.

One plus one plus one equals three in mathematics.

One plus One is the third way in spiritual reality.

Sensitivity is one way, detachment is another way & sensitive-detachment is a third way.

One plus one equals three.

Compassion is one way, empathy is another way & compassionate-empathy is the third way.

Male energy plus female energy is pure energy in harmony.

Pure undivided energy is always the third way.

Impure wavelengths of emotion are divided by male & female gender to allow choice.

The vibration of harmony is balanced male & female energy.

The vibration of neutrality is balanced positive & negative thought.

The ability of choice is enabled by the power & authority of the word.