A Spiritual Being

Rational Logic says that I am a physical human being experiencing a physical experience called life.

Emotional Rationale says that I am a rational human being having emotional experiences in life.

Spiritual Logic says I am a Spiritual Being having a human experience called a life, in a physical world.

Any other experience of life is said to be irrational unemotional or illogical.

I am always free to choose whether my experience of life is physical or spiritual, emotional, rational or logical or unemotional, illogical & irrational.

A Spiritual Being is aware of their spiritual reality, their spirituality.

The reality of being spiritual is a triality, or triune reality, of physical, mental & emotional energy.

Spirit means energy.

Spirituality or being spiritual in reality is the reality of an Energetic Being.

The purpose of Life is for a spiritual Being to experience, in all its glory, the essence of their Beingness in a physical, mental & emotional way.