Promoting & Allowing

On my Spiritual path in Life as an awakened Soul, I always have a choice.

I have a choice between promoting my Self to where my ego wants me to be and allowing what my Soul wants for my Self to arrive.

Unawakened to the path of my Soul, I will choose to promote my Self to obtain everything that I believe that I want and need.

The more I promote my self in Life, the more power and influence I have over other people and the easier it becomes to obtain want I want and need.

Awakened to the path of my Soul, I know that every provision for my journey has already been made. Everything is already provided. I do not have to promote myself as I am already there. I do not want or need anything because I already have it once I allow it to manifest in to my reality.

I no longer require or choose power and influence over others once I learn to connect to my True Source of Power & Authority.

When I no longer choose to have power and influence over others, I no longer need to promote myself up the hierarchies of life.

When I allow my Self to follow my Path, I allow my Self to connect to my Power, my Authority, my Ability, and my Provision.