“Mother” Theresa

Mother Theresa is a shining example of a true “Mother”.

A Holy “Mother” is symbollic of the Power of Love.

A Holy “Father” is symbollic of the Authority of Light.

A Holy “Son” (Jesus) is symbollic of the Ability of Life.

“Mother-Father-Son” is the Holy Trinity.

The Power of Love is also called the Holy Spirit.

“Power-Authority-Ability” is the Whole Spirit.

“Love-Light-Life” is the Divine Triality.

The Divine Triality is the Whole Spirit or Holy Spirit.

Mother Theresa is recognised for putting the “Mother” back into the Holy Trinity.

Mother Theresa became a powerful and influential figure because of who she was being, the power of her love, not for what she did. The work that she did was just the vehicle through which she expressed who she really is.

Who she was being, her state of Beingness, was recognised to be very powerful and very influential.

Theresa of Calcutta is the embodiment of the ultimate “Mother”.

To canonise her as a saint would in her own words: “Become her darkest hour”. She chose to be a role model for Life, not the Roman Catholic Church.