
Energy continually moves through Time & Space.

Everything is Energy and everything is in Motion.

Time is a Space within Eternity.

Space is a Time within Infinity.

All that Is, is infinite, eternal and continuous.

Time & Space are the same thing seen from different perspectives.

When I see Time & Space as separate, they determine my Reality.

Without Time & Space, Reality cannot exist.

Within Absolute Oneness (Singularity) there is no reality.

Reality is the perspective of a Consciousness that is perceiving a time in space and a space in time.

Space is the Reality of my Time in this present moment of reality.

Time is the Reality of my Space in this present moment of reality.

The separation of Reality by both Time & Space creates my experience of this relative and dualistic world.

Duality is the dual reality that the contrast of  Time & Space creates in my physical world.

To continually create my own personal Reality requires my personal Space and my personal Time to be available.