
Metaphysics means beyond Physics.

What is beyond the study of physics is the study of Spirit.

Spirit or spiritual energy is the mental and emotional aspects of energy that appear in the physical world.

Physics studies the physical material world in a logical and rational way.

One cannot study emotion in a rational way because it is emotional not rational. To the rational mind it appears irrational.

Beyond physics is a world of metaphysical spirit.

To study Metaphysics requires a mental and an emotional appreciation of life as well as a physical one.

Beyond Physics is a Spiritual Reality or Spirituality.

Spirituality is the study of a real world that is the triality of physical, mental and emotional experience.

Physical Science or Physics studies the physical world as perceived with our 5 physical senses.

Scientists believe that if you cannot see it, hear it, smell it, taste it or touch it, then it is not real.

Metaphysics is the art of exploring the non-physical world with our 3 spiritual senses.

Spirituality uses a sense of seeing, knowing and feeling what is not apparent to an unawakened soul.

An appreciation of Art requires an emotional intelligence.

The study of the Art of Science combined with the study of the Science of Art will take us beyond Physics into the world of Metaphysics.