An Old Soul

My Soul is eternal and therefore timeless.

It is beyond duality and therefore neither old nor new.

An ‘Old Soul’ has had many incarnations in this physical world.

In my next life-time adventure, should I choose to incarnate into a different world, in a different form, and experience a different existence for the first time, I would be classed in that environment as a new soul.

Should I choose in my next life-time to re-incarnate again in this dual reality, relative world of physical form, I will be classed as an older soul.

The older the soul, the more re-incarnations that have been experienced in the same world or realm of existence.

The more incarnations that are experienced in this world, the more inclined beomes the ego-self to accept its true existence and the Identity of its True Self, its Soul.

As a New Soul, I can remain lost, confused and frustrated with physical existence for many life-times, before awakening to awareness and learning the clarity, direction and presence that is required to fulfill my vision, mission and purpose for each life-time.

An Old Soul is an ego Self that has learned the ability to experience, explore and discover life as its Soul intends.