My Mental Authority

My Mental Authority comes with my Exclusive Connection between my Self & my Soul.

I attain my exclusive connection when being both Allowing & Fulfilled.

When I allow the mental authority of my Soul’s inspired revelations, I become fulfilled.

When I am filled full of my Soul’s inspiration, I am aligned with my mental authority.

Aligning with my mental authority requires that I allow my path to unfold.

Allowing my path to unfold requires me to overcome both the wrath of my will that is powered by my anger; and the patience of my meekness that is powered by my modesty.

The authority of the will of my ego self disallows my alignment to my true path.

Achieving the will of my egotistical desires does not lead to my fulfilment.

Allowing the mental authority of my Soul’s Higher Consciousness to guide me is the exclusive connection that directs me on my Path to Fulfilment.