My Physical Ability

My Physical Ability to live a material existence well is determined by my Sensitive Detachment with others.

With sensitive detachment, I am able to be both content and accepting of life.

Being content requires me to overcome the duality of scarcity & gluttony and to always have enough.

I cannot be content with either too little or too much.

Being Accepting of life is knowing that everything that I need is already provided, even before I ask.

Accepting whatever turns up in life requires me to overcome the arrogance of my pride and the humbleness of my humility.

I cannot accept my own development and growth whilst being modest, inferior, insecure or over-confident.

I cannot attain spiritual growth by being proud of my physical egotistical abilities and achievements.

Being either insensitively or over-sensitively attached to my physical prowess will not enhance my spiritual development.

My sensitivity to others allows my detachment from the earthly dramas that draw me into their physical reality.

My ability to create my own Ideal Life is relative to my ability to be content with and accepting of my own Physical Existence  .