The Awakening

The Awakening starts with the realisation that there must be more to life than this.

It is initiated by the questions: Who am I? & Why am I here?

The ego does not awaken until the Soul decides to awaken its Self.

The ego remains unawakened as long as it is more beneficial for the development of its Self.

Awakening requires the agreement of both the Soul & the ego self.

The higher Self & the lower Self must think alike.

The ego will remain in the dark until it is enlightened by the Soul.

The Soul has chosen for its Self to experience the darkness to understand the Light.

Only by needing love will it understand the power of Love.

Only by fearing death will it cherish Life.

The ego self will not awaken until it is ready.

It can take redundancy, divorce, an earthquake or other near death experience to awaken some egos.

The Awakening is truly an Act of God.

Some egos never awaken.

Some Souls never put their Self to sleep.