The Book Of The Dead

The Book of the Dead is a Spiritual Book.

It is written from a spiritual perspective.

It is for Human Beings who are dead to spirit.

Those who are dead to spirit are unawakened to their spiritual nature.

Forgetting our spiritual origins is common to the majority of people on Earth.

From a spiritual perspective there is no death, only eternal Life.

The ‘Dead’ are those who are not alive to their spiritual reality.

The dead to spirit are living a physical life without awareness, awakeness, alertness & aliveness to who they really are and why they are here.

They are living in a physical state of being disconnected insensitively & unemotionally from spirit.

The Book of the Dead is really a book for the ‘dead’.

It is a Book of Life that is written by the Soul as a guide for its Self to be come awakened & enlightened on its journey through the physical realm.