Hearts & Minds

The Heart is the emotional power source of the Soul.

The Mind is the source of mental authority of the Soul.

A healthy Soul has a wise mind and a wealthy heart.

I am either in my heart centre & connected to my emotional power or I am not.

I am empowered by my heart.

My mental authority is relative to my core beliefs.

My truth authorises my emotional power.

My limiting beliefs & fears disconnect my power from my ego self.

My truth is empowering and my false beliefs disempower my self.

My super-conscious mind connects me to the wisdom of my Soul’s authority.

My Soul’s choice is always inspired & empowered.

When my sub-conscious mind is programmed by other people’s beliefs, I am disconnected & disempowered.

My conscious mind always has a choice between the desires of the ego & the authority of the Soul.

I can follow the fate of my ego or the destiny of my Soul.

I can be in three minds but only one heart.

When my three minds are aligned, my heart is open.