High & Low Spirits

High & Low Spirits are not the same as high and low emotional energy.

My spirits are high or low depending on the frequency and wavelength of my emotional state of being.

My emotional energy is high when the intensity (frequency x wavelength) of my energy vibration is balanced.

High spirits and low spirits both result in low emotional energy.

With low spirits, I am driven to get my emotional needs met in order to raise my emotional energy.

Low spirits is the feeling of being disconnected from my True Source of Emotional Energy, my Soul.

High spirits is a description of having too high an intensity of emotional energy.

It is the inability to process or channel my life-force energy efficiently and effectively.

A high intensity of emotional energy is only beneficial to one who is able to experience it in a beneficial way.

A balanced individual has no need of either high or low spirits.

It is balanced energy that is most beneficial to our Self.

Unless the wattage of electricity is correctly balanced with the voltage it cannot realise its potential (amps) and will overload the circuit and blow a fuse.

Life-force energy works in a similar way. Low spirits don’t empower us to work and high spirits eventually wear us to a frazzle.

When I am balanced and grounded (earthed), I am in harmony and synchronicity with the True Spirit of my Self.

It is my attachment to other peoples’ high and low spirits that disturbs my peace and disconnects my balance and harmony.

High emotional energy is attained by overcoming the duality of high & low spirits.