Pictures, Words, & Emotions

Pictures in our Mind are how our Soul allows us to See Spiritually.

Words in our Mind are how our Soul allows us to Know Spiritually.

Emotions in our Mind are how our Soul allows us to Feel Spiritually.

Pictures, Words and Emotions are the Language of our Soul.

For those that have the ‘Eyes to See’, let them See with their Mind’s Eye a bigger picture of Life.

For those that have the ‘Ears to Hear’, let them hear the ‘Words of God’ their Soul and Know their Light.

For those that have the ‘Hands to Heal’, let them emote the Feelings of their Soul and be healed with Love.

Pictures come from the Intuitive Genius of our Imagination and allow us to create a new Reality.

Words are the Intuitive Revelations from a Universal Mind that allow us to manifest a new Reality.

Emotions are the Intuitive feelings from our Inner Self that allow us to realise our chosen Reality.