Physical Capability

My Physical Capability to create my own reality is the product of my Competence and my Capacity to use my power and authority effectively.

Without the competence to connect to my power, I cannot realise the purpose for my life.

Without the capacity to connect  to my authority, I cannot manifest my vision of my ideal life.

Without the capability to connect to my power and my authority, I am unable to see, and therefore complete, my mission for this life-time.

My Spiritual Capability is the combination and the unification of my physical, mental, and emotional abilities.

My capability to live a physical life requires a spiritual intelligence that is the combination of both a rational perspective and an emotional perception of life.

How much I am consciously-aware of my personal reality is a measure of my capability to create my own physical reality.

My reality only becomes my conscious creation once I have attained the Physical Capability to create it with my Mental Capacity and my Emotional Competence.