Thoughts & Emotions

Emotions are the energy on which Thoughts are transmitted and received.

I do not think emotionally. I perceive emotions as feelings based on a rational perspective of my reality.

I process thoughts and emotions with my brain.

I am either aware of the emotion that I am feeling or conscious of the thought that I am thinking.

I process emotion with my right brain and I think rationally with my left brain. It takes practice to process both at the same time.

My emotions indicate my alignment with my thoughts.

When I am consciously in alignment with a thought, I experience the high charge of emotional energy on which the thought is being transmitted.

When this emotional energy is perceived to be positive, I am in alignment and my inspiration is empowered.

The degree of misalignment that I have with a thought determines the degree of negative emotion that appears to accompany the thought.

Pure Feeling accompanies Pure Thought. It has no emotional attachment and no mis-alignment with its Source.

My Soul always sends to my Self a pure frequency of mental Thought on a pure wavelength of emotional Feeling.

How I receive this communication with my Soul is determined by the polarity of my beliefs and the gender of my emotional attachments.