Metaphorical Spirit

A metaphor is a figure of speech.

Metaphor means to transfer or to carry across.

A metaphor uses a word without its literal meaning.

Having ‘high or low spirits’ is a metaphor when spirits are deemed not to be real.

Spirit has several definitions:

  • A supernatural being
  • A ghost of the dead
  • The essence of a human
  • The Soul
  • Enthusiasm
  • An alcoholic beverage
  • Emotional Energy

It is interesting that we currently have seven dictionary definitions for something that allegedly doesn’t exist.

Yet emotional energy does exist and when it is depleted I experience low spirits and when it is flowing freely I experience high spirits.

So are high spirits and low spirits a metaphor or just the description of the intensity of my emotional energy and how well I am connected to the source of my power?

Is that Source of Powerful Energy and Enthusiasm, my Soul, the Supernatural state of Being that is the essence of every Human Being, that is eternal and never dies?

Or does my Metaphorical Spirit come in a bottle?