Spiritual Experience

Spiritual Experience is a triune reality of physical, mental & emotional energy.

I experience physical energy as matter.

The vibration of physical energy is low enough to be experienced as a gas, as a liquid or as solid matter.

I use my five physical senses to experience the physical energy of light, sound, taste, smell & touch.

I experience emotional energy as feelings.

Emotional energy feelings are distinct from the physical energy of touch.

The vibration of emotional energy is experienced primarily in the solar plexus as a gut instinct.

A greater awareness of emotional energy sees it as an intuitive feeling that accompanies an intuitive knowing.

When I intuitively see my emotional state of being , I both know it mentally & feel it emotionally.

The vibration of mental energy is experienced as a thought or as thinking.

Thinking is a process of the sub-conscious mind, whereas thought is a super-conscious revelation to the conscious Self.

My sub-conscious mind stores knowledge & my super-conscious mind creates knowing thoughts.