A Conscious Sense Of Awareness

A Conscious Sense of Awareness is intuitive.

An unconscious sense of awareness is instinctive.

An awareness of my conscious physical senses is intellectual.

I use my conscious physical senses, of sight, hearing, taste, smell & touch, to reason with my intellectual intelligence.

I use my non-physical senses, of seeing, feeling & knowing, as my intuitive cognition.

When I reconnect my intuitive recognition, I have a non-physical awareness of my reality.

Science determines the intellectual reason for reality to exist.

Personal awareness determines the individual spiritual purpose of real existence.

I can only know the individual spiritual purpose for my life with the awareness of my personal spiritual energy. I can only see my exclusive spiritual vision, feel my adjective spiritual purpose and know my unique spiritual mission with a conscious awareness of my intuitive senses.

Being aware that I am conscious in physical reality, disconnects my sense of intuitive guidance & support.

Becoming consciously aware of my spiritual reality, I reconnect my sense of intuitive recognition.

Discovering the duality of conscious-awareness allows a choice of polarity that is either conscious or aware. Overcoming that duality allows my physical choice of a conscious sense of spiritual awareness.