
Infinity ranges from one to One.

Between one and One are an infinite number of numbers.

Between the oneness of ‘nothing’ and the Oneness of ‘everything’, there is an infinite number of ‘things’.

Once one has experienced nothing and everything, and everything in between, one can continue to experience everything or nothing in an infinite variety of ways for eternity.

There is no end to the possibilities in a world of infinite possibilities.

Energy is infinite and eternal. It can never be destroyed, it just changes its form.

Energy is Oneness. Fundamentally there is just One Energy.

Yet, Energy has infinite form. There is infinite potential for energy to manifest in an infinite number of ways.

Eventually all energy will manifest as One Pure Energy, which is its original state being.

At that point in Time & Space where the Reality of everything & nothing meets in Oneness, there exists the possibility of it remaining as Oneness for eternity and there exists the possibility of it continuing to realise its infinite potential for eternity, because all possibilities always exist.

For as long as there are an infinite number of possibilities, eternity exists.

In a finite world of physical reality, infinity is an illusion.

In the Infinite Universe of Eternal Oneness, physical reality is the illusion.