The Dimension of Space

Space is a dimension of space-time-reality.

From the perspective of space-time-reality, space has four dimensions each of which is a holon.

Dimension one is Atomic:

The Atomic holon has a proton-neutron nucleus surrounded by electrons that allow space between, which attract other atomic holons to create molecules that allow space between them.

Atoms have space on the inside and space on the outside.

Dimension two is Cellular:

The Cellular holon has a molecular nucleus surrounded by a cell membrane with space between, and space between each cell within an organism.

Cells have space on the inside and space on the outside.

Dimension three is Organic:

Organic organisms are cell co-operatives.

They have a nucleus or heart with space between the heart and the body of the organism, and space between each organism.

The Animal Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom, the Mineral Kingdom and Man are all organisms within the organic holon.

Dimension four is Cosmic:

The Cosmic holon has a sun at its nucleus surrounded by planets and moons with space in between.

There are collections of stars with space in between that co-operatively form galaxies with space in between.

Wherever we look we see space yet it is only obvious in the holon above that in which our consciousness resides.