
Soulless means uninspired.

I am inspired by my Soul to live life.

Soul is the essence of who I am.

My Soul is the essence of my inspiration.

Soul is the essential aspect of my Self.

I am less of a person without my Soul.

The weaker my connection to Source, the more soulless I am.

The more soulless I am, the more uninspired I am.

Inspiration is my creative spark.

My Soul is my inspiration & my creative spark.

Soul is the essential energy of creativity.

The essence of creativity is my Soul connection.

My Soul inspires my creative ability.

I am never inspired to be destructive.

It is a soulless life that is destructive.

Soul destroying activity is soulless & uninspiring.

My Soul is never destroyed & never uninspired.

It is only my ego Self that can be soulless.