Seven Soul Qualities

A Soul Quality qualifies a specific quality of being Soul Like.

Presence is a Soul Quality. My Soul is always present. It is beyond the reality of space-time and therefore experiences the eternity of having no past or future. Beyond the duality of past & future, there is only the present moment of eternal now, which is presence.

Direction is a Soul Quality. The direction of the Soul is always ahead. In an expanding universe, the one version of the Soul is always moving forward, not backward; always expanding and never contracting.

Clarity is a Soul Quality. The Soul is never lost and therefore never confused. Beyond duality, there is a clear perspective of the Big Picture, in every direction. Every direction is how the Soul is clearly expanding, with total presence of mind.

Abundance is a Soul Quality. As the creator of its own reality, there is no shortage of things to create and no shortage of material in a materially creative reality. In a realm where Thought creates reality, my only restriction is from my lost, confused & frustrated thinking. With the direction of clear & present thought, the Soul’s creativity is unlimited.

Safety is a Soul Quality. The Soul is never at risk. An all knowing, all powerful and all present Entity is never in danger. A disconnected Self is only at risk of its own lost, confused & frustrated thinking. The Soul is fear free, pain free and problem free. The pain of a fearful problem is caused by the limited thinking of a less than divine creator Self.

Certainty is a Soul Quality. The Soul is always certain and sure of every outcome. When every outcome is an opportunity, the Soul takes every opportunity with certainty. Every opportunity, by definition, is a beneficial certainty. The Soul is never challenged with a problem. Nothing is a problem for the Soul, as everything in life is an opportunity.

Providence is a Soul Quality. The Soul is able to provide everything it requires for its Self in life. Of this it is certainly Self assured. Every Self is assured of everything that it needs to fulfil its destiny. For the Soul, creativity is always an opportunity, never a challenging problem.