Spirit & Soul

Spirit & Soul are different perspectives of the same perception and different perceptions of the same perspective.

Spirit & Soul are the same energy divided by male & female gender. It is the gender of energy that allows a contrast in perspective & perception.

Spirit is the male energy of perspective.

Soul is the female energy of perception.

The Soul perceives through the perspective of spirit.

Perspective is a conscious thought of a mindful spirit.

Perception is the emotional awareness of a soulful feeling energy.

The soulful feeling of a mindful spirit is consciously-aware of its power & authority. Soul is the female power and spirit is the male authority, which together, allow the ability of the Self.

Spirit & Soul are the frequency & wavelength of my energy vibration.

Spirit exists in eternal time, Soul resides in infinite space and together they create a continuous reality for their Self.

Spirit is the energetic force, Soul is the energetic magnitude, which together, allow the potential of the Self. Soul fulfils the potential of its Spirit through its Self.

Soul & Spirit are a paradox like wood & trees. Trees are full of wood and Woods are full of trees. Soul is full of Spirit and Spirit is full of Soul. The Soul is the Holy Spirit and the Spirit is Pure Soul.

It is gender that allows a distinction between Soul & Spirit, which in essence are the same energy perceived from different perspectives.

From an absolute perspective, Spirit & Soul are the same entity. From a physical perspective, Soul & Spirit are relative terms for the mental thought and emotional feeling of all experience. A spiritual thought is always conveyed on a soulful emotion.

Consciousness is spiritual energy and awareness is soulful energy. My spiritual soul is ever consciously-aware.

Male Spirit is a Mind of Thought.

Female Soul is a Heart of Emotion.

The masculine or feminine, rational & emotional Self is a Body of Experience.

When the Self is disconnected from the spirit of its soul, it sees Spirit & Soul as a duality of Creator & Creation.

When Spirit & Soul are seen as a duality, the Self is left out of the equation.

When the Soul/Self is connected to its Spiritual Source, it sees its Self as both the Creator & the Creation. The Soul creates its Self as the creation of a creative Spirit.

Spirit is the Creator, Soul is the Creative Energy and Self is its Creation. Together, they are the trinity or triune metaphor of Father, Son & Holy Ghost.