On Reflection

Reflection allows me to see who I am.

When I look in a mirror, I see a physical appearance of who I appear to be. I see my physical reflection in a mirror. I can also reflect on my physical appearance in a photo or a film.

Reflecting on my reflection is a mental reflection on my physical reflection. When I believe that my physical reflection is who I am, there is no need for mental reflection. When I see on reflection that my physical body is a vehicle for my mind, I see the purpose of my apparent physicality. My physical entity becomes a reflection of my spiritual entity.

I cannot reflect on my spiritual entity in a mirror. I reflect on my spiritual entity through the eyes of my mirror image. My mirror image is a shadow of my Self that I project into physical reality.

From a physical perspective, I am the subject of my physical reflection.

From a spiritual perspective, I am the object through which objective reflection becomes possible.

I can reflect on who I am being with an objective perspective. The objective of the Self is to see on reflection, who the real Self really is.

The subject of every spiritual reflection is the Soul. The Self allows the Soul to reflect on whether it is expressing a true reflection of its Self or not. It is through reflection that the Soul/Self discovers, explores & experiences who it really is.

The still waters of a lake allow a physical reflection of myself. The still waters of the mind allow a spiritual reflection of my True Self. My True Self is always reflecting on the expansive growth of my Soul. The expansive growth of the Soul becomes a true reflection of who I really am.

Who I really am is an expression of who I choose for my Self to be in an experience of subjective reality. The True Nature of the Soul is reflected in the Light, which the Soul shines along its own path. My True Path in Life reflects the true nature of my Soul.

On Reflection, I am a true reflection of my Soul’s choice for its Self.