The Source Of Unlimited Learning

The Source Of Unlimited Learning is the SOUL.

SOUL is an acronym for the source of unlimited learning.

Learning is an unlimited mental experience. Learning the source of an unlimited mental experience is achieved through the exploration & discovery of the Self.

The Self is a mental explorer on an experiential journey to discover the source of its unlimited love of learning through an enlightened life. The Light Source of Unlimited Love of Learning about Life is the Soul.

The three principles of mental learning are:

  • Mind
  • Thought
  • Consciousness

The three principles of emotional experience are:

  • Emotion
  • Feeling
  • Awareness

The three principles of all forms of energy are:

  • Wavelength
  • Frequency
  • Vibration

The three principles of all energetic Beings are:

  • A Wavelength of Mind & Emotion
  • A Frequency of Thought & Feeling
  • A Vibration of Consciousness & Awareness

Spirituality is the spiritual reality of all energetic Entities. My spiritual reality is that I am:

  • A vibration with a wavelength & a frequency
  • A frequency of thoughtful feelings
  • A wavelength of mindful emotions

A conscious-awareness of my spiritual vibration allows the discovery, exploration & learning experience of my Soul.

The three principles of the Soul are:

  • Love
  • Light
  • Life

Learning about the love, light & life of my Self enables the discovery, exploration & experience of the Soul.

Soul is the source of:

  • The emotional wavelength of my feeling, which is my power of love
  • The mental frequency of my thought, which is the authority of my light
  • The physical vibration of my experience, which is the ability of my life

Gnostic is the intuitive knowing of the super-conscious awareness of the Mind’s Entity.

Agnostic is the sub-conscious instinct of the ignorance of the Mind’s Id.

Diagnostic is the conscious intellect of the relative dual reality nature of the Mind’s Ego.

The Source of this Learning is my Soul.

As my Self intuitively learns, my Soul expansively grows.