The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins are:

  1. Pride – known as Hubris  – is an over-attachment to the needs and the beliefs of one’s physical ego self.
  2. Envy – known as Jealousy – is wanting what other people have as an expression of ingratitude for what we already have our self.
  3. Gluttony – known as Extravagance – is the pursuit and indulgence of wanting or having too much of anything.
  4. Lust – Known as Craving – is the excessive desire and wanting for what I  believe that I do not have.
  5. Greed – known as Avarice – is the passion to be better, more superior and more powerful than another.
  6. Wrath – known as Anger – is the belief in one’s own righteousness and choice irrespective of its potential to be detrimental to another.
  7. Sloth – known as Laziness – is the inability to follow one’s own path, make one’s own choices and take appropriate action.

All 7 deadly sins are an expression of the negative male aspects of our own emotional energy.

The opposing negative female aspects of our emotional energy are referred to by the church as virtues and seen as being saintly.

We are all a combination of saint & sinner as determined by the sin or virtue of our emotional energy.