Pleasures of the Flesh

Pleasures of the Flesh are determined by the Universal Church to be sinful & immoral.

To envy the power, authority and ability of the church hierarchy is deemed to be sinful.

To give alms to the poor with kindness and to tithe to the church with generosity are both deemed to be virtuous.

To crave the gluttony and excess of the riches of the church is deemed sinful.

To tolerate and endure the scarcity and poverty of not having enough is deemed to be a virtue.

To lust after our every desire with a passion is deemed by the church to be sinful.

To express chastity and experience abstinence is deemed to be virtuous and chaste.

To be slothful and not work hard for the benefit of the church is deemed to be lazy, idle & sinful.

To be diligent, dutiful & hard-working is to be of great benefit & virtue to the expansion of the church and the greater power & authority of its hierarchy.

To experience the virtuous Pleasures of the Spirit requires, according to the Universal Church, the  additional humbleness of humility, pleasing, meekness, patience, & unselfishness.

Only with the appeasement of the church’s patriarchal & sanctimonious morality and self-righteousness is it at all possible to be canonised as a saint.

The rest of us mere mortals will remain eternal sinners indulging in the pleasure of the flesh.