The Sin of Arrogance

Sin means ‘being without’.

Arrogance is the state of being without my own true power, authority & ability.

Without a connection to my own true power, I default to the arrogance of my avarice or greed.

Being greedy attaches me to the emotional power of those who are humble to my needs, and please me.

Without a connection to my own true authority, I default to the arrogance of my anger or wrath.

Being angry allows me authority over the humble who are meek & patient.

Without a connection to my own true ability, I default to the arrogance of my hubris or pride.

Being proud allows my ability to appear better than those with humility, who have the humbleness of modesty.

The Sin of Arrogance is a state of being without the worth of my true power, the confidence of my true authority, and the esteem of my true ability.

I will never find the confidence & value of my true esteem by virtue of being humble to the arrogance of another.