Jealousy & Envy

Envy is wanting what someone else has.

Jealousy is the intense negative feeling that we get when we can’t have what we want from someone else.

jealousy is the curse of a co-dependent relationship.

Co-dependent partners care about each other.

They care about meeting each others emotional needs.

This creates a need to be needed. I need my partner to need me to care about them, so that they show that they are dependent on me to meet their needs emotionally.

When they stop needing me to meet their needs, then they will stop caring about meeting my needs.

The feeling of no longer being cared for and no longer being needed is Jealousy.

It is the envy that we feel regarding what we want and need from our partner and are no longer receiving.

We feel intense envy and jealousy when someone else is receiving what by right should be ours.

Jealousy is the fear of being disconnected from the person who we believe to be the source of our emotional energy and power.

Envy is the blessing of a co-dependent relationship.

We envy everything that we like and love about our partner.

We envy everything that we find attractive about our partner and attracts us to our partner.