Giving & Receiving

When Giving and Receiving is an expansive act of sharing it is balanced.

For an act of sharing to be expansive, both parties are required to have, to be or to do what is being shared.

Sharing is expansive when what I am receiving, I am giving in equal measure.

Giving and receiving is out of balance when I am not giving and receiving in equal measure.

For giving and receiving to be in balance, I am required to already have what I am proposing to share with another by giving and receiving it.

The act of giving to balance what is being shared is by definition not balanced to start with.

Unless I already have what I choose to give and receive in an act of sharing, I am acting from a position of scarcity, which is always divisive.

When I give to someone who is needy or without what I am giving them, my giving is not balanced.

When my giving is balanced and equal to what I am receiving, it expands exponentially into my future.

When my giving is divisive, it will eventually deplete my reserves and create limitation and scarcity.

When my giving is focused on the scarcity of others, I will attract that scarcity into my own reality.

Giving material possessions and money in return for emotional gain is driven by an emotional need for love.

Giving emotional support in return for material gain is driven by lust.

Lust & love are a duality of one of the 7 deadly sins, which always take us out of balance and inner harmony.