Love & Lust

Lust is my male energy of wanting.

Love is my female energy of needing.

I would love to have whatever meets my emotional needs.

When I balance my yin & yang, I realise that there is nothing that I want or need.

I want & lust after what I believe that I physically need.

I love & value what I believe that I emotionally need.

What I need and have emotionally has value for me.

What I want & lust after physically has value for me.

Neither wanting nor needing has true value for me.

There is true value in the gratitude & appreciation of having everything that I want & need.

I cannot truly love my life when there is something that I need.

I do not truly love life when I am lusting after what I believe that I want.

Wanting & needing are a statement of ‘not having’ that attracts the experience of lusting for love or wanting what I think that I need.