Greed & Pleasing

Greed is the male energy of competing to be better than others.

Pleasing is the female energy of helping others to be better than they are.

I please others to help them win and appear better than they are.

Needing to win by competing against others is greedy.

Greedy people need others to please them.

Pleasers support & promote greedy people.

Greedy people need followers who please them.

A group of pleasers is called an entourage of yes-men.

Pleasing is an unselfish act that makes another selfish.

Fulfilment comes with being better than I am.

I do not need to compete with others for my emotional energy when I am feeling fulfilled.

I compete only with my self to improve & become better.

My Soul pleases only its Self by providing a unique personal path to fulfil & to follow.

My ego is greedy & selfish when it pleases itself.

I am greedy for the pleasure of fulfilling my destiny, which is truly selfish.