Wrath & Meekness

Wrath is the male energy of my will power.

It is the will of Man not the will of God.

Meekness is the female energy of following the will of another.

It is never God’s Will for me to follow the path of another.

Meekness is the will of a woman who follows her man.

It meekly obeys the wrath of another’s authority or will.

Anger is the male energy of being without feminine patience.

When my will power is depleted, i get angry.

With enough emotional energy,I have the patience to meekly follow the wrath of another.

Will power is the wrath of my ego self.

Meekness requires the will to be patient.

Being slow to anger requires the wrath of meekness.

Following my Soul’s path requires no will power, no patience, no anger, no meekness, no wrath.

It does require the ability to allow all others to follow their own path.