Sloth & Diligence

Sloth is the male energy of being off track.

Diligence is the female energy of following another’s path.

I diligently do my duty as ordered & authorised by another.

I am idle & lazy when I am not following another’s orders diligently.

I am slothful when I am not following my own path.

I follow my own path effortlessly.

I follow another’s path diligently & dutifully.

When I dutifully follow my Soul’s path with diligence, my life is effortless.

Following another’s path is always hard work.

Taking the easy way out is seen as lazy & idle.

It is my destiny to flow effortlessly on my path.

Effortless is neither with effort nor without effort.

I cannot be effortlessly off track.

Following my own path is never hard work.