Humility & Humbleness

Humility is not who I am being but something that I have. What I have is an attachment to being human. Being down to earth or the salt of the earth is said to have humility.

Humility is the belief that a physical person having a physical existence is a part of the human race and just one of many human Beings.

Being human, doing humane things in physical reality, is having humility. It is being one of us and following the herd or flock mentality. It is being plain & ordinary, following convention and taking the same stance as other people. It is distinct from the humbleness of taking a lower stance than others.

Humility is following in the same path as everyone else, whereas humbleness is being lead on someone else’s path.

Humbleness is being subservient to an arrogant leader. Humility is being a pleasant or pleasing follower.

Humility blends in where pride stands out.

Humility is unpronounced and pride is prominent.

Pride & humility are gender opposites of the same emotional energy vibration.

Humbleness is being an appeasing follower and an agreeable servant, which is the prerequisite of an obedient slave. It sees another as its authority & Master.

With arrogance, I see others as subservient to myself. Arrogance asserts authority over others, whereas humbleness takes authority or direction from others.

Arrogance & Humbleness are gender opposites of the same energy vibration.

I can have humility and follow others without being humble to anyone’s assertive leadership. I can also be proud and prominent and confident in my ability without being arrogant and asserting my authority onto others.

Outstanding leadership requires humility, whereas assertive leadership can be very humbling.