
Absolution is to be absolved of sin.

Attaining absolution requires overcoming the duality of my sins & virtues.

Sins are the male gender of my emotional energy that is without virtue.

Virtues are the female gender of my emotional energy that is without sin.

When my sins & virtues vibrate in harmonious resonance, I have overcome their duality and I attain absolution.

The quality of my emotional energy becomes divine & absolute.

My emotional experience is absolutely divine.

My emotional energy is no longer divided with a dual reality.

There is no longer a gender or a polarity to my energy vibration.

There is just a pure wavelength of emotion transmitted on a pure frequency of thought.

Absolution is attained with a divine perception and an absolute perspective of life.

A relatively humanistic view of life favours my male or female preferences in a positive or a negative way.

Absolving others of their sins is an act of hubris, bigotry & arrogance performed on a humble, meek & subservient church.

Absolving others in the name of god is being a humble, meek & subservient follower of an external god.

Absolving my Self is the life’s work of my Soul.