Three Types Of Sight

1. Eye Sight

Eye sight is a primary human sense. It is how I make sense of physical reality, together with my sense of hearing, taste, smell & touch. These are my five physical senses.

I process physical reality with my eye sight. When my eyes are closed, my sense of physical reality is greatly diminished unless I am able to rely on my secondary sense of hearing.

Closing my eyes shuts down my sense of physical reality or makes it reliant on my other physical senses. When I shut down my mental processor, my brain waves tune to a frequency of meditative, intuitive thought, instead of a frequency of conscious thinking.

2. Insight

Insight is an intuitive revelation. Insights are revealed on a mental frequency of meditative thought. An awareness of insights allows them to creatively flow. An insight is an awareness of a revelation of intuitive higher thought.

My higher consciousness, which I call my super-conscious Soul, is my inner tutor and my inner guide. Thoughts of learning and direction are available to me in every moment as an insight. Insights are revealed when I am open and asking for direction.

My insight is often called my third eye. It is how I intuitively see without using my two physical eyes. Insight is often seen as foresight. I have an intuitive feeling about the future, which I project in my imagination as foresight.

My super-conscious Soul has the ability to travel in both the past & the future of time. All possible futures are just a potential until I align with their path and choose them with foresight.

3. Hindsight

Hindsight is my sub-conscious ability to remember. My sub-conscious mind records all aspects of my physical, mental & emotional experiences. Hindsight is a reminder of what I intuitively thought was right but subsequently reasoned to be wrong.

I always have a choice between the reasoning of my sub-conscious mind and the intuition of my super-conscious Soul. Hindsight is my Soul reminding its Self of the perils of using rational thinking alone.

In Summary

Clearly seeing the right direction for my Self is a conscious choice that aligns my sub-conscious hindsight with my super-conscious foresight to allow an awareness of my intuitive insight to be revealed and endorsed through the experience of my physical eye sight.