
Being Shameless is having the confidence to choose one’s own behaviour.

The less shame that I have, the easier it is to make my own choices.

I shamelessly follow my own ego’s desires with the power of my will.

I will follow my own wants, needs & desires with a shameless passion.

My passion for what I want fills any negative emotional void that may contain any shame.

Being shameless can be seen as a negative attribute in others when they are believed to be arrogant.

Arrogant behaviour is often seen as shameless.

The belief in the righteousness of humbleness will lead others to believe that more shame is preferable to less shame.

Shame is seen as virtuous when it is the act of a conscience that keeps one moral.

Being shameless is judged to be only slightly better than being shameful by the righteous, who believe that to be shame-free, all are required to follow their righteous path and be like them.