Gender & Sex

Sex is a characteristic of our physical reality.

The male character produces the sperm that fertilises a female egg.

The female character supplies the egg for the male to fertilise.

The process of fertilisation is seen as a sexual act.

It is when two different sexes join together in the act of propagation.

Gender is a characteristic of the wavelength of an energy called emotion.

When a vibrational wavelength of emotion is divided, it is experienced to have either a male or a female gender.

It is the male or female gender of an emotional state of being that determines the masculine or feminine characteristics of men & women.

An emotional state of being that is expressed,or an aura that is emitted, is not sex specific but gender specific.

Both sexes are able to experience both the male & the female aspects of their energy vibration.

The physical characteristics that make up our sex are not determined by the emotional wavelengths of our gender.