Seven Levels Of Enlightenment

Enlightenment is the sovereign choice of our highest authority, it is the highest choice of a sovereign authority and it is the authorised choice of our highest sovereign entity.

The Seven Levels of Sovereign Choice are:

  1. Fulfilled Wisdom
  2. Empowered Inspiration
  3. Intuitive Knowing
  4. Induced Euphoria
  5. Intellectual Reasoning
  6. Instinctive Denial
  7. Unconscious Ignorance

Every incarnate sovereign entity has a choice of which level of enlightenment offers them the greatest opportunity for learning.

  • On levels 6 & 7: Life happens to me
  • On levels 4 & 5: Life happens by me
  • On levels 2 & 3: Life happens through me
  • On level 1: Life happens as me

Fulfilled Wisdom is the destiny of each individual sovereign entity with choice. The ultimate influence is to be filled full of the wisdom that is enlightening. It is the destiny of all ascending Beings to fulfil their sovereign choice wisely.

Empowered inspiration through intuitive knowing develops the influence of emotional awareness.

Induced euphoria by intellectual reasoning allows the intense experiences of being emotionally unaware of one’s source of disconnection.

Instinctive denial & unconscious ignorance allow the greatest opportunity for spiritual learning & growth to occur.

Enlightenment is not a linear process of ascension but a descending choice of life experience for the purpose of spiritual development & growth.