Realigning The Distortions Of The 7 Rays

Realigning my seven distortions requires challenging my belief system with seven primary core beliefs. This allows my intuitive intellect to freely access the conscious-awareness of the perceptive perspective of my Authentic Self.

Until I intellectually & intuitively own my own seven core beliefs, my Ego sense of conscious self, through my sub-conscious Id, will remain in mis-alignment with my super-conscious Soul Entity; due to the polarity distortions & gender imbalances in my mental operating system.

My 7 Core Beliefs are:

  1. Life Just Is whatever I am causing it to be with the outstanding humility of my Modesty, which is always the best way.
  2. We All Have Choice and I overcome the duality of my choice with the Kindliness of a Third Way.
  3. There Is Enough when I am Allowing of Providence to provide its Abundance in each and every present moment.
  4. Love Is The Way when it is the pure Love of Agape, which unites my emotional Eros with my mental Philos.
  5. We Are All Equal with the equability of the e-quality of our Equanimity.
  6. Allow Others To Follow Their Path with unconditional Approval & Acceptance.
  7. Follow Your Own Path with the Gentleness of Goodness & Grace.
  • My intuitive feelings warn me when my perspective is distorted because my perception is unbalanced
  • My intuitive knowing advises me when my intellectual knowledge is truly certain

Until my intellectual knowing aligns with my instinctive feeling, I cannot intuitively see my polarity distortions or my gender imbalances.

I realign my mental distortions intellectually and my emotional imbalances intuitively.