My Shadow Self

I do not have a Shadow Self, my Soul does.

I am my Shadow Self. I am a shadow of my True Self.

My Self lives either in the ‘shadow’ of my ego or the ‘light’ of my Soul.

My ego sense of self creates a shadow when my back is to the light and I am out of alignment with my Soul.

I cannot face the direction of my Light (the choice of my Soul) and see my shadow.

The intensity of my shadow is determined by the polarity of my thinking  and the gender of my emotions.

Negative thinking is aligned with my sub-conscious fears and limiting beliefs, which create my shadow.

Positive thinking is aligned with my Soul’s Light & Truth, which casts no shadow.

The direction of my emotional polarity determines my attitude to the Light and the intensity of my shadow.

Negative thinking creates a divided emotional state of Being that is either male or female by gender.

A Pure Emotional State of Being is powered by Love and allows only my inspiration to emanate as my Truth and my Light.

When there is no shadow self, I express and experience who I really am.