Hope & Expectation

Hope is desire with uncertainty.

Expectation is desire with certainty.

When I believe that what I want is certain to come, I expect it to arrive.

When I am uncertain of receiving what I want, I hope it will arrive.

Uncertainty is usually created by other people. Other people’s beliefs thwart my expectations and reduce them to hopes.

The opposite of expectation is disappointment.

I appoint myself to a level of certainty that creates my expectation.

The greater my expectation of something arriving, the greater my disappointment when it fails to arrive.

The opposite of hope is despair.

The greater the level of uncertainty, the greater will be the despair of its imminent non-arrival.

The less uncertainty I have, the more hope I have of receiving it and the less despair I will experience.

Without hope there can be no desperation and without expectation there is no disappointment.

Don’t give up hope. Give up hope & desperation.

Give up expectation and disappointment disappears.

Without hope or expectation, I know this to be my Truth.