Four Aspects Of Self

Real, True, Authentic & Actual are the four aspects of Self:

My Real Self is the self that is creating my perspective of reality. In my disconnection from Source, my real self is my sub-conscious id. The id causes my perception of reality, relative to the effect of what is happening to me in life. My perspective of what I perceive to be real is the instinctive experience of my real self. I am creating my own reality relative to my sub-conscious beliefs about reality and I instinctively react to life, accordingly.

My True Self is the self that is creating my true perception of reality. What I perceive to be true with my physical senses is what I believe to be my true perspective, which is true for me. I cause to happen in life what I believe to be in alignment with my true perspective, in the belief that it is a true expression of my truth. Life happens by me as a physical truth that I experience as real. I have no distinction between my truth and my reality because I consciously experience my truth in alignment with my sub-conscious beliefs. In my spiritually unawakened state of being physically conscious, my ego sense of true self is driven by the instinctive sense of what I believe to be the reality of my sub-conscious id.

My Authentic Self is the author of the truth of my reality. When I spiritually awaken to the real truth of my authentic self, I realise that my id is not really me and my ego is not truly aligned with my destiny. My id and my ego self, in my disconnection from Source, have not been perceiving the truth of my experience of reality. When spiritually awakened to my destiny, I allow my Self to follow the plot of my Author, as the Hero of my adventurous ideal life. I follow my true path and my reality is authentic. My authentic Self ideally writes my Book of Life, so that I may authentically experience it on purpose and fulfil my destiny. The author of my vision for my life is my authentic Self. My super-conscious intuitive vision allows life to flow through me as the reality of my authentic truth.

My Actual Self is the Creator of my authentic, true reality. As my actual Self, I realise that there is actually just me having infinite authentic lives through all eternity.

  • My Authentic Self creates my True Self
  • My True Self creates my Real Self
  • My Actual Self creates the potential for authentic creations of my really true Self

My Self is actually, authentically, truly, real, when I am being all the aspects of my 4 dimensional Self.

When my sub-conscious Id, conscious Ego, super-conscious Soul and supra-conscious Entity are all aligned as One, I actually am a really true expression of my authentic Self.