The Confident Choice

The Confident choice is neither arrogant nor humble.

Self-confidence is the ability to make good choices for one’s Self. A good choice for oneself has neither arrogance nor humbleness.

Arrogance is leading the way for someone else by giving them direction.

Humbleness is following the path or the direction of someone else.

Arrogance & humbleness are the same energy vibration, which is flowing in opposite directions. They both have a negative polarity because neither is in alignment with one’s true path.

I confidently follow my my own path and lead my own life. When I both follow & lead, my life is in balance on an harmonious path.

With confidence, I neither lead with arrogance, nor humbly follow another. I am confidently in alignment with the direction of my path and fulfilling my purpose. I am confidently making choices on purpose. When confidently connected with my own authority, I am confiding in my true Self.

It is confidence in my own authority that allows my choice to flow effortlessly. Effortlessly flowing choices are called opportunities. Challenging problems, which are caused by my arrogance or humbleness, always restrict my flow and my opportunities. I always choose an opportunity with confidence.

Self confidence allows whatever is occurring in my life to be seen as an opportunity, which is always beneficial. Seeing opportunities requires intuitive insight. When a choice feels intuitively good, I intuitively know that it is right for me.

I arrogantly make my choices based on false information, which other people have given to me. I humbly make the same choice that other people have chosen. I confidently make a choice that intuitively feels good and I intuitively know is right, because I intuitively see the opportunity for me.

There is no intuitive choice without the confidence to confide in my Self and there is no confident choice without an intuitive connection with my true Self.

Choice requires confidence, confiding in my Self requires intuition and intuition is my confidence with my Self. In my disconnection from my intuitively wise higher Self, I will default to either the arrogance or the humbleness of my lower ego Self.