The Appreciation Of Esteem

Appreciation is a triune reality of value, perspective & growth.

When I value something, I appreciate it; I appreciate its value.

With a positive perspective, I appreciate what I am perceiving. When I perceive it to be positive, I appreciate it.

When I grow spiritually, I appreciate. I appreciate with growth and I value my growth.

My Soul appreciates the appreciation of my Self because my Soul values its self growth. I value my Soul’s perspective of the growth of its Self. Mutual appreciation between the Soul & the Self is a mutual perspective of personal growth, which has great value.

When my Self perceives it’s perspective to be in alignment with its Soul, appreciation flows in every direction. Appreciation is a measure of the perceived value of Spiritual growth.

True Value is the emotional alignment of the Soul/Self.

True Perspective is the mental alignment of the Soul/Self.

True Growth is the physical/spiritual co-operation of the Soul/ Self.

The value of growth is relative to personal perspective. Personal appreciation expresses the value of my spiritual growth.

When I value my perspective, I grow & appreciate.

When I grow my perspective, my value appreciates.

When I perceive the value of my appreciation, my self-esteem grows.

Self-esteem is a measure of how much I appreciate my self-confidence and my self-worth. As I confide in my Self, I value the esteem of my Soul.

When I appreciate my confidence, I value my personal growth.

When I appreciate my worth, my personal value grows.

When I appreciate my self-esteem, I grow in confidence & worth.

I become worthy of my Soul when I confide in my Soul.

When my mental perspective appreciates, I grow in self-confidence.

When my emotional value appreciates, I grow in self-worth.

When my spiritual growth appreciates, my self-esteem grows.

Self-esteem is a measure of my confidence & worth.

Self growth is a measure of the value of my perspective.

Self development is the growth in value of my perspective. The only thing that ever develops, changes & grows is the perceived value of my perspective. As I perceive value, my appreciation grows.

The only thing that ever really appreciates is my Self-esteem.