The Assertive & The Submissive

The Asserive asserts their authority.

The Submissive submits to another’s authority.

The Assertive believes their beliefs to be right.

The Submissive tolerates the Assertive’s beliefs.

The Assertive is arrogant.

The Submissive is humble.

The Assertive believes they have a superior authority.

The Submissive believes their authority is inferior.

Both the Assertive & the Submissive share the view that there is only one reality.

They share the view that only one reality can be true.

The Assertive asserts their version of the truth.

The Submissive tolerates another’s version of the truth.

The Assertive needs to be right.

The Submissive needs a quiet life.

Being submissive fails to avoid conflict.

Being assertive always causes conflict.