
Mega is high or intense.

A highly intense mania is caused by an addiction to low energy.

Low emotional energy is a low mania & the need for emotional energy.

A highly intense need or addiction for high emotional energy is a mania.

Being deprived of emotional energy to the extreme causes a maniac with a mania.

Low emotional energy causes a mania for high emotional energy.

The purpose of life is not to live at the extremes but to find the balance.

It is the balance that realises one’s potential, not the intensity.

Megalomaniacs have intensely polarised & opposing emotional energies & emotional needs.

The need for emotional power manifests as the need to be rich, influential & in control of others.

The need to be grandiose, superior & better than others is reflected in the avarice, bigotry, hubris & arrogance of the megalomaniac.